The seed starts its journey stretching and yearning to the sun.. breaking thru the earth in birth and reaching down to establish solid roots. Gleaning nutrients from the earth under her feet. Day after day the sun's kiss feeding freshness and nurturing warmth and care. Breathing in and out and savoring the energies and nature's pure kiss.
The slim bud urges and stretches and grows until the color begins to bloom. A slow unfurling of petals seeking the sun's guidance. It's delicate folds begin to slowly spill forth in a glory of color and vibrance. Trusting in the sun's warmth and the earth's nutrients to give her balance. To be the bright and beautiful flower. Open and precious. Pure and vibrant.
We too.. must constantly enrich ourselves.. from within us.. like the earth. Soak our mind in learning.. our bodies in excersize. We also have to seek our Sun. our moon and our wind. to feel that enrichment from someone more powerful and encompassing. Given to One's guiding touch.
May i not be afraid of the elements. May i trust in the guidance of the One that is my sun. to open more beautifully and become the perfect bloom. Not shrouding myself in my petals.. but open and bares. Delicate and small in the beams of Him.