She respects herself and others. She is aware of who she is. She niether seeks definition from the person she is with. nor does she expect them to read her mind.
She is quite capable of articulating her needs. A good woman is hopeful. She is strong enough to make all her dreams come true.
She knows love, therefore she gives love. She recognizes that her love has great value and must be reciprocated. If her love is taken for granted, it soon disappears.
A good woman has a dash of inspiration and a dabble of endurence. She knows that she will at times have to inspire others to reach the potential God gave them.
A good woman knows her past, understands her present, and forces toward the future. A good woman does not live in fear of the future because of her past. She understands instead that her life experiences are merely lessons meant to bring her closer to self-knowledge and unconditional self-love.
"Author Unknown"
December 30, 2004
A good woman is proud
December 25, 2004
Happy Holidays
Greetings to all,
I wanted to take a moment and thank all who stop by
my blog. My daily visitor count has been increasing more
all the time and that inspires me to write and share more.
I hope you find delight in the holiday season,
good health in the year to come and peace
in your heart always.
I would love to hear from my visitors,
feel free to email me and say "Hello"
December 21, 2004
Zen & BDSM
BDSM has many elements that are naturally Zen--and in fact, Zen Buddhism even has a few elements of BDSM. Many stories recount a Zen seeker finding their enlightenment when their master suddenly beats them. In many Zen halls today, those sitting in meditation get whacked occasionally with a stick to keep them on track. Both Zen and BDSM demand a complete focus on the present moment, and both can lead to states of profound clarity. Understanding the parallels can enhance the BDSM experience.
Cutting Through To Reality
In some ways, we can compare bottoming to sitting in Zen meditation. Successful meditation and bottoming lead to a similar experience of unfiltered reality. Contrary to popular belief, people sitting in Zen meditation are not striving with all their might towards enlightenment. The goal of meditation is simply to be, allowing oneself to fully feel the reality of the present moment. After sitting long enough in meditation, the flitting thoughts that distract one from reality and the present fade away, and you may start to experience reality itself.
Bottoming can take one along a similar path. You make a conscious decision to submit to the top. You begin with distracted thoughts, including fear, uncertainty, and excitement. As the scene begins, most of us have fleeting thoughts that are not relevant--what do we look like? Did we remember to feed the cat? What are we doing later? As sensation starts, however, we ease into the scene completely. The insistence of the whip stroke or clamp pressure drains away irrelevant thoughts and leaves us with the clear and simple pain. We are here now with our body, its sensations, and the reactions of our mind. Past and future fade away as we deal with the moment at hand.
Successful meditation or bottoming can also lead to feelings of connection and oneness with the world. Zen encourages one to free oneself of the concept of the mind and/or self as a separate entity. You can move towards this realization of no-mind by stilling all distractions and thoughts that move you outside of yourself, so that all that is left is you. If you had a separate mind or ego-self, once you stilled all non-relevant thoughts, this mind/self would appear. But the fact that it does not, can break through your preconceptions and help you realize that you are not a separate mind or self; that in fact you are part of the continuum of reality.
In bottoming, this can occur when you surrender completely to the pain and sensation. Most of us experience some form of internal resistance when we begin a bottoming scene. We might be anxious, and it may take a while to settle into the rhythm of the strokes or the sensation of the pain. But if we consciously make ourselves surrender, we move into a state where we become one with the pain. We give up the preferences and attachments that define our selves and egos--for instance, our attachment to non-pain, or our personal preferences as opposed to what the top demands. We begin to feel the connection with the top, the breaking down of ego boundaries between the giver and receiver of pain.
When this surrender is complete, the ego-mind-self begins to disintegrate and our consciousness expands into the reality around us. Boundaries disappear and we can clearly see that we are a part of the universe--the fabled "oneness in being." In Zen, such a breakthrough is called a "kensho." Deep bottoming can lead one to a kensho state.
The Zen Warrior
The top, on the other hand, can be more accurately compared to the samurai or warrior who acts according to Zen values. Good tops share many similarities with the legendary samurai. A top should be honorable, dependable, and skilled in the arts which he or she practices. But more than that, a successful top works completely in the present moment, striving to create the best scene possible.
In a scene, the top must banish all distractions. A top focuses on the task at hand, letting the energy flow through him or her in a natural way, not looking outside the present but instead completely understanding the moment that is occurring. This includes great respect and understanding for the bottom. The successful top sees and reacts to the Buddha nature of the bottom and can sense the connection that links top, bottom, and universe. While the forms are very different, a successful scene uses an energy flow that can be likened to that of a battle between two honorable warriors. Rage, hate, and attachment are banished and put aside and replaced with respect.
A good top is mindful in his or her topping. Like the samurai, a good top constantly strives to better him or herself, practicing the arts and caring for the tools of the craft. You can sense it in the way a top handles his favorite flogger or lovingly caresses a well-worn pair of leather cuffs. The best tops are always learning, always pushing themselves to new things. And good tops are not simply experts with toys and techniques--they have mastered the energy flow that allows them to take complete control and direct a scene in a precise manner.
Enlightened Playfulness
Being a good top naturally fits into the same principles of being a Zen warrior, just as true bottoming can lead one to the same insights and experience of reality that Zen practice imparts. And lastly but not least, Zen encourages the same open-mindedness and playfulness that good BDSM takes into account. Zen masters of the ages have been known for their light-heartedness and playful nature. Zen itself came into being partly to counteract the heavy-handed seriousness and over-ritualization that was occurring in many popular sects of Buddhism. This can be a lesson for us today in our BDSM play as well-- meaningful scenes can still be playful and fun.
December 16, 2004
Paradoxal Pleasure
Tears coursing, emotions quailing,
desires crucified without the nailing.
Piercing pain enterwines with ecstacy
the feelings of pleasure beyond fantasy.
Pain and pleasure different sides of the coin
submissive desires, a Master's enjoin.
Who is that maiden who flirts with the dark
esoteric pathways she's off to embark.
Looking for guidance, love, hope and much more
always a lady and sometimes a whore.
Paradoxal pleasure's in delight she's torn
Seeking advice from the Rose and the Thorn.
December 13, 2004
The Color of Wet and Squirmy
The color of wet and squirmy is breathy peach
tinged with blush pink listening with clear glass eyes
mirroring the outside world of your desires and orders.
The color of wet and squirmy is tiny white hairs
raising on goosebumped skin
alert to the slightest input.
The color of wet and squirmy is viscous and slippery,
albumin creamy and pale
with prickly green thorns in my nerves on every side.
The color of wet and squirmy is engorged pink red
like watermelon raw liver sliding over itself
searching for caress.
The color of wet and squirmy is clear water
rinsing the world anew as I lie
calm after the storm.
by DaddysLilTease 12.12.2004
December 11, 2004
This Fascination
Condemns me to a period of longing
during which rest is impossible
until a certain satisfaction is gained
like touching your face for instance
or lingeringly holding your hand
or maybe laying a fingertip on your lips
even a quick kiss would probably suffice
until a new day brings on a new hunger
like wanting to see you smile
or hearing you say my name
Most of the time i get by with none
of these things i have learned to scavenge for scraps
like thoughts of you walking on paths i have traveled
or perhaps visiting a place i have been
and i wish enough traces of me would have lingered
to settle upon you, tiny motes of dust
each holding a seed of my affection
maybe a stray thought could insinuate itself
and make you look up and around
At times i smile at these images
and then scold myself for not being there.
no matter, we are fated to meet again
the gods will not have contrived to show you to me
if they could not afterwards taunt me with brief,
barely-there encounters that hint at
almost anything and also nothing
perhaps we will even be friends
and then this fascination will be cursed to scratch
against newfound constraints.
~~ I miss you so much! (sigh) ~~
December 5, 2004
Bondage Is Ecstasy
I believe that rope bondage is a high art form, both equally artistic as well as functional. It can be used in several different forms ... such as meditation, humiliation, incarceration, and as well as art.
Below you will find some of what I concider to be the most respected and informative rope bondage sites around. Well learned safety practices should always be priorty. Please, Doms and subs make it your priority too
At Rope Art you will learn the basics of safety, the different materials one can use to do rope art. You will learn how to tie the knots you will need, as well as some mental, spiritual and sensual aspects of Rope Art. Nawashi Tatu has a very special way with Rope Art. He combines the sensual, spiritual, and physical in doing his Art. Rope Art covers a wide variety of topics. Beginners and the more experienced will all find this site informative and well thought out. Some of the topics that I recommend are:
and Medical Safety Tips when
working with Rope Bondage by MorTis
At The Dominant's View I found there are a lot of rules for doing bondage, but MorTis has put together the 6 main Rules of Bondage that should never be broken!
Rope Fashions is the place where Lady Cocoa and her submissive lynn post tutorials from the rope demonstrations they do from time to time, as well as links to rope bondage resources that you might find interesting and useful. Thier tutorials are available for downloading in PDF format, making it convenient to access them anytime you need to from your hard drive.
Rope Fashions is also host to The Black BEAT, a independent, non-profit, social organization founded by Black members of the BDSM, D/s and Leather community nationwide. Black BEAT strives to cultivate safe, sane, consenting adult African Americans (21 years and older) with alternative lifestyle and sexuality interests via culture, education, development, support, and event planning. Although the focus of the group is geared towards African-Americans, all races are welcome. This is reflected in the Black BEAT mission statement.
Rope For Pleasure is currently being developed to provide information and discussion on the rope bondage arts of David El. David El began presenting workshops in the San Francisco Bay area in 1996. Topics have included single tails, and Japanese style bondage and suspension. David's approach includes observing rope masters, and using the Zen method of "knowing your rope." El actively pursues the development of service training protocols. His process combines the erotic, mental, physical, and spiritual energies of sadomasochistic alchemy. He also provides the host home for a local chapter of Masters And slaves Together (MAsT).David believes that the dance of Rope Bondage is an art form. The ropes are an extension of the Rope Master’s sensual touch; exerting both pain and pleasure. Rope bondage is a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dance. It is a ritual of the connection between my partner and myself. The rope entwines as a sweet caresses of anguish; as a hand firmly tightening around the body.I Agree with David, it is an art form and when one takes the time to study and master His skills His reward is exquestit....a precious and intense experience that few ever have the pleasure of experiencing.Be sure to take a look at these pages when you visit Rope For Pleasure:
ROPE CLOVER CLAMP One last thing before i tie this post up in a neat package, I'd like to share with you a very cool page I found at the CRAM (chicago rope and mummification club)site.It was also written by MoTis.
It is a Rope Clove Clamp, MoTis shows you in 5 easy steps how you can make twisted rope act like a Japanese Clover Clamp.
Bravo MoTis!!!!!!
This impressed masochist would certainly worship a Rope Master like MoTis if i had one.
November 22, 2004
The Look
It is hard to put into words..."The Look"It is an amazing phenomenon of a look that can send me to my knees.It is just a way His eyes land on me and express a strength innate.
That definitive sparkle of fire that burns into them at times.The dark mystery of my body's reaction to that.He knows He can do it too.
How humbling to know in just a look my knees go weak.How humbling to know in just a look my aching desire to please Him swells up.How humbling to know He is smiling knowing exactly the rampant clawing feelings rushing through my veins.
Sometimes it might be that hint of a challenge.The look of.."Oh, so you really want to do that?"That delicious smile that wickedly tempts me to be naughty and see what happens when i do!
Sometimes it is an admonishment that strikes a chord.Sending that instant sinking of my stomach and heart.Meekly reminding me He is in control.
Sometimes it is His passion shining brightly in His eyes.Instantly making me wet and wanton.Giving me that aching hunger to sate His every desire.
Bright and shining that melts my being and makes me oh so pure.It is His love that most vividly sends me to my knees for i know i am His.
It is in His eyes, i know He is Master.
It is in His eyes, i know i am slave.
It is in His eyes, i am complete... on my knees.
November 18, 2004
The seed starts its journey stretching and yearning to the sun.. breaking thru the earth in birth and reaching down to establish solid roots. Gleaning nutrients from the earth under her feet. Day after day the sun's kiss feeding freshness and nurturing warmth and care. Breathing in and out and savoring the energies and nature's pure kiss.
The slim bud urges and stretches and grows until the color begins to bloom. A slow unfurling of petals seeking the sun's guidance. It's delicate folds begin to slowly spill forth in a glory of color and vibrance. Trusting in the sun's warmth and the earth's nutrients to give her balance. To be the bright and beautiful flower. Open and precious. Pure and vibrant.
We too.. must constantly enrich ourselves.. from within us.. like the earth. Soak our mind in learning.. our bodies in excersize. We also have to seek our Sun. our moon and our wind. to feel that enrichment from someone more powerful and encompassing. Given to One's guiding touch.
May i not be afraid of the elements. May i trust in the guidance of the One that is my sun. to open more beautifully and become the perfect bloom. Not shrouding myself in my petals.. but open and bares. Delicate and small in the beams of Him.
November 8, 2004
Life's Winding Path
In cries, the clenching fire the tight knotting frees and sends me to the stars.
Trembling and panting to capture breath so swiftly stolen by His power.
His growls of delight resounding in my ear only adds to the delighted shudder.
Kneeling thighs so wide they hurt but nothing is left but that floating bliss.
It is in this, my pure slavery is felt.
For my body was not touched but my mind.
Focusing my pure core to be the slave of His control.
He is the Puppeteer and His hand guides me and fills me and consumes me.
My orgasm for Him, not myself anymore.
What beauty is this to be His.
To only be able to hoarsely whisper..."Thank You Master"
To when asked..."How do you feel My slave?"
The only words that come trembling like jewels from my lips is..."Wow"
It is odd. For myself i know my path has been interesting to say the least. People who i have met. People whom i have corresponded to. People who i never even have conversed with who have impacted my life. The people who will come into my life and make a difference.
In the past things have gone right or wrong. i can sit and examine each time and learn more about life and myself in them How i reacted to something. Maybe how i should have reacted. Maybe how an event shaped my desires, thoughts, happiness, time. Maybe how an event shaped my sadness in the same venue.
"I notice well that one stray step from the habitual path leads irresistibly into a new direction. Life moves forward, it never reverses its course." ~Franz Grillparzer~
i believe we are all on our path. A twisted and curvy path at times. Sometimes very uphill. Trudging in what feels like freezing cold. Hungry, tired, alone, wondering if we will ever see the sun. Other times along our path flowers bloom and the sun warms it's radiant fingers on our faces. We feel the warmth and we maybe see next to our path another's. We are not so lonely anymore. In fact we feel the embrace of love and perhaps a hand holding ours.
Sometimes on our path there are thorns and loose stones. splits and twists and things that jump out and scare us. Sometimes that makes us clutch harder ont he hand in ours. Makes us lean on them to help us over the bumps. Or maybe we pull away and run very hard and very far until it feels we can't even stand.
"I've already told you the only way to a woman’s heart is along the path of torment. I know none other as sure." ~Marquis de Sade~
Perhaps a path moves away from ours. Or weaves in and out of our lives touching in small or very monumental ways. Maybe fate's touch brings people into our lives. Then out of them again. We don't understand why. Maybe we are not meant to but to keep going forward. Remembering and learning from our path before. Continuing to live life to our fullest. Because maybe the road ahead will converge with ours and become the path that stays beside ours forever.
"They are not long, the days of wine and roses:Out of a misty dreamOur path emerges for a while, then closesWithin a dream." ~Ernest Christopher Dowson~
Sometimes when we look at our choices from one path to another. We see the incline and storm clouds lingering overhead. The other path looks much easier and light. But something within us urges us tot he incline and clouds ahead. This is where maybe we choose the easy or the hard path. It changes our fates and maybe who's paths cross our way. Or maybe it is just a longer path around the mountain and we end up again on the same path down the road.
All i can truly know is i am on my path and will try and always stay positive and be helpful on my path through this life. Giving and being the woman and slave i can be.
November 4, 2004
Bound To Your Heart
My spirit walks with Yours in my dreams at night
My lips bear a knowing smile throughout the day
My soul bound to yours from the beginning of time
With You I can be what I always was in my heart
I am whole in the comfort of my desires
Complete in my surrender I am no longer a part
Consumed by Your love and strength
Heated by the fire of Your passion
I am Yours with only a word, or a touch or a glance
My body belongs to You yet aches for Your touch
Feeling free, I choose to submit to You completely
To relinquish my freedom to You in bracelets of silk.
Surrendering totally, more than I ever thought I could,
Bequeathing more of myself than I ever knew I would.
"With you I feel the possibilities are endless."
October 19, 2004
BDSM Lifestyle Reading Recommendations
Erotic Surrender: The Sensual Joys of Female Submission
by Claudia Varrin
As the name suggests, this book is an introduction to submission from a female perspective. It's an excellent beginner guide to women who believe they may be submissive, and offers advice and insight into healthy submission. Warmly written, it's probably most useful to newcomers to D/s, and is less likely to be useful to anyone already in a D/s relationship.
Learning the Ropes: A Basic Guide to Safe and Fun S/m Lovemaking
by Race Bannon
A beginner's introduction to BDSM that debunks many of the myths surrounding S&M play and offers examples of scenarios and negotiation techniques. Also includes information on how to create an inexpensive toy collection, safety, finding partners, and a recommended reading list.
S&M: Studies in Dominance & Submission
by Thomas S. Weinberg
A series of essays written in the style of an academic text, this book supports the sociological idea that sadomasochism is not a pathology or deviant behavior, but a healthy sexual lifestyle of shared fantasies.
Jay Wiseman's Erotic Bondage Handbook
by Jay Wiseman.
An excellent how-to manual on all aspects of erotic bondage and bondage play. Published by Greenery Press
Safe, Sane, Consensual... And Fun
by John Warren
Fifteen hot scenarios for bondage, spanking, roleplay and power exchange. This updated edition of mild-to-wild sex scenes is entry-level guide for curious couples. Published by Greenery Press
SM 101 by Jay Wiseman.
This is THE definitive introduction to BDSM; includes a good bit about the psychology of power exchange, why people want to do this kind of thing; ideas for BDSM play; safety tips; etc. Published by Greenery Press
October 13, 2004
Pain and Longing
I lick the bruises you left behind-- your claim over me. I wear them like a badge, enticed by the shame that marks me. I feel an aching in my sex, a craving on my tongue that is residual of our last moments. Pain and longing are indistinguishable, and I feel compelled to stay though my mind says to run away.
But of course, I cannot go, wrists bound, body curled on the cold cement at the foot of your bed. I see your teethmarks on my thigh turning purple and I wish one hand was free so I could trace it, delicious, delicate, tender. I throb and long to ride your magic wand, the torturously sweet engourging of the aching well inside me.
I hear your footsteps outside the room, just beyond the locked door, and I shiver at the unknowing, at the promise of completion. The key in the lock, my nipple against cold metal, I feel my life pulse in my clit. You open a locked trunk with a jangle of keys and submit for my pleasure the magic wand, silver, glittering in the halflight, like a knight's weapon, a lady's torture. My eyes run the length of your stature, before you bind them closed.
The words you whisper in my ear are meant to shame, but I find them intoxicating, and my pulse quickens. Still cuffed, you position me on all fours on the bed, ass lifted high for your inspection, for your leather glove. Skin rose-blushed by your attentions, bloodrushed by your affectionate stinging, I feel the well overflowing.
The first thrust is exquisite pain that makes me cry out, makes my legs tremble as the beast fills me, slides into the pink, into the dark, into my longing. You fuck me deeply, one hand at my throat and I struggle to breath as I sink into the pain, swim in it like a nightmare in slow motion. I see your shadow on the wall before me, stretched upward like a wolf announcing it's presense in the light of a full moon, and you fuck me. You lift me higher, casting the spell. The pain you deliver and the unbearable ecstasy counter each other. Time stops, shattering air and atom, to fall like confetti, a glittering cacophony that stops my heart.
October 4, 2004
My world, the darkness, incarnate
I hid within and feared my fate
My spirit I did chain
Seeking refuge from desires pain
I built the walls around my soul
I must guard my heart
The depth of my passions
I never told
My lusts a curse
I tried to disguise
Into the shadows
I sought to hide
Alone, I thought, I would be
Yet sensing a presence
in the darkness with me
Whispered words within my head
Resurrecting passions
I thought forever dead
Your silent command,
my heart obeyed
Break down the walls,
I beg you,
please show me the way
I'll kneel before you,
content in worship
My submission complete
within your Dominance
September 24, 2004
On My Knees
Down on my knees
eyes tightly closed
fingers locked behind
my back....
I await your arrival.
As each second comes closer
to our erotic meeting
my breathing becomes
deeper, and faster
like a wild tiger running
through the jungle.
My body trembles with
each waiting minute
as if a cool wind dances
ever so softly across my body,
leaving me shaking and trembling.
Lips that are licked
as my hunger for you builds
so deeply inside.
as if a black panther
licks her lips...
awaiting to devour her sweet treat.
My soul begins to fly
like a gentle butterfly in flight.
sofly dreaming of landing
within your gentle hands.
Down on my knees
is where you will find me...
patiently waiting for you Daddy,
my Master,
my lover
and best friend.
September 19, 2004
Submissive's Soul
Feelings rise from within me, new, yet somehow familiar, frustration, sadness, depression, as parts of my ever-growing need to serve emerge and seem to overwhelm me. Each day it seems harder and harder to fight them back. i must or i might find myself willingly settling for what seems only available to me. It seems an almost endless wait for what is to be. A fear of what may never be lies beneath them all waiting to encircle me. It is hard to keep faith when the road before me seems so desolate and empty of anything remotely resembling all those dreams and desires, on this private journey i have begun. In my heart i know, beyond any doubt or question, that to just settle is a mortal sin against myself, i will not lend this fuel to the fires of failure to rise against any bond between two spirits. Instead, each day, my thoughts reflect my needs, my desires, my dreams and hopes from within the realm of this life and the spirit i have freed to discover them.
Sometimes i wonder what i might gain and what i will receive from such total and absolute submission to One. Words pale compared to who i am and what my submission is about. It is not so much a matter of `what i will get`, as it is a sense of what i know i need. It is quite simply who i truly am. i, in no, way wish to generalize my needs. They are as unique to me alone as the experiences of my life. In the end it would merely all lead back to the center of what completes me as a submissive.
Thoughts of Master surge through my mind. Not any Master. MY Master. Whose ideals, wants, desires, needs, and emotions, mate with mine in such perfect harmony that one would be hard pressed to detect when His footsteps end and mine begin. What would my submission to such a Master bring to my life? It is a world where each day, he shows me by actions and words, the fact that my faith, trust, and respect in Him, was not only inevitable, but also justly given, felt and cherished. Within His ownership of me, i would receive His strength, His honesty, and His firm, strict ruling, as well as, His compassion, His love, His affection. i would receive a Master who will be patient as i am learning, encouraging as i am stumbling, guiding as i follow the path of his pleasure. Within my submission to His ownership of me, what do i hope to gain? i hope to gain a Master with the true essence of one who is in control of Himself totally, thus able to control me with a fairness and compassion that is unique. Rare and comforting, allowing me to be as i am, yet growing better, to be who He wants me to be. His pleasure grows from teaching me, leading me, and guiding me to the fulfillment of knowledge of how to truly and totally serve Him. His needs, His wants, His pleasures would become my purpose in His life. i would gain a best friend, protector, a disciplinarian when needed, to set me back on track, should i stumble. i would gain a sense of purpose, a sense of reasoning to my inner feelings and desires. He would instill in me, a sense of pride, not merely self-pride, but rather, a pride joined together in who He is and who i am, as His property. i would gain a calming of the soul, and a removal of my inhibitions. i would gain a completion to who i am, still dynamic, changing, learning, growing and always moving forward. My submission is not a means to an end to revel in my own gains, but rather the essence of who i am and will be, given with great value to Him. My submission is not a gift to Him, but rather the piece that fits within His Dominance to complete each other. The one who will own me will receive my complete submission. My trust and trustworthiness, my respect and my pride in who He is and my belonging to Him. He would receive my hopes, my fears, my needs, and my fantasies for Him to use, to cast away, and to feed upon, for His enjoyment, His pleasure, His desires.
He will receive a servant content to live a daily existence of tending to His pleasure. A slut who would be open, vulnerable, wet, and ready at all times for His use. He would receive my humility, my self-pride, my love, devotion, loyalty, my flesh, my mind, and my soul. The essence of who i am, totally joined to His own. To Him, i would give of myself so completely that there would be no part of my flesh, my mind, and my soul that has not been touched and used by Him. He would receive all my secrets, all my mistakes, and all my achievements, all of myself and who i am. He would receive the first breath i breathe when waking and the last sigh i breathe as i fall asleep, everything in between, everything conscience, and everything unconscious. i would live safely, in a world of His pleasures, immersed in total contentment and love
Loving You
Within your mind
within my soul
I surrender to your charm.
Melting within your voice within your thoughts.
With each touch you
bestow upon me
unlocks the savage beast
within me, within you.
Hands of such firmness
yet as gentle
as the delicate petals of a rose
unlocking the chains that bind me.
Unleashing the desires
I have for you.
I fly free as a dove.
Landing softly within your arms.
Bodies trembling
in the heat of passion
a feeling like a thunderous storm
raging out of control.
Locking fingers
within each others
as our flight takes us to that edge.
The edge of pure ecstasy.
Hearts pounding wildly
as our flight begins.
Racing within that moment.
Tightly holding each other close,
as our sweet release of passion soars to the
outer limits of our fantasies and sweet dreams.
Gracefully coming to rest
within eachothers arms.
This where Making loveto you begins
once again......
September 15, 2004
Two people with common
interests, and characteristics,
values, and views.
They need not be lovers,
but they need to be friends.
Friends who share most anything,
without having to worry, about
what kind of reaction
may be brought forth.
Knowing that compassion
and understanding
will always be there.
Knowing that caring advice
comes from the heart,
but is not ruled by it.
One who can tease
tears, and anger,
and even a muddled mind
Into a smile or a laugh.
A person you wish to have
as a part of your life,
For always.
You come close to asking
"What could become of
all of this, if circumstances
ever came to allow it."
For some reason,
you always decide to stop.
When the time comes, and
I share this writing,
I'm sure I'll be asked,
-if only by one person-
"Who did you write this for?"
Thanks to someone in my life,
who is all of this to me,
I've written it for those
who have found their soul mate.
And for those who continue to search.
September 12, 2004
Top 10 Reasons to Masturbate for Peace
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September 5, 2004
Soul Mates
When you meet your soul mate,
this person will have an instantaneous effect on you.
A soul mate is someone who makes your
knees go weak and takes your breath away.
With but a single glance they lessen your burden,
and but a smile, touch your heart.
You will feel a sense of total connection with this person.
They will touch you so deeply on so many levels
that you will want to share you innermost secrets.
For the first time in your life someone will
make you feel almost like a god.
Once you have met your soul mate,
for better or sometimes worse,
your life will never be the same...
One of the things which makes this encounter
so unique is the sense of a profound spiritual experience.
You both feel like this is meant to be and that
you've been together before in a past incarnation.
When you meet your soul mate something happens -
the deep yearning, the compelling energy
drawing you to become physically intimate overwhelms many...
Nothing will have ever felt so right...
There's a sense of safety with this person.
You knowingly let go of your defenses
as a deep empathic bond is formed.
Unlike any other relationships you may have had,
there will be no game playing or hidden agendas, only truth...
There is something about the passion you share
with a soul mate that goes so far beyond just the physical body.
For a moment in time you two are
the only ones who exist in the universe.
Hearts beating in rhythm as your souls
have intertwined themselves becoming one.
Your spiritual energies meld and you feel the
flame of creation move through you
like a wave of the ocean on a hot summer's day.
Soon you begin to lose track of where you begin
and your partner ends...
From within the depths of your
exquisitely passionate union,
your soul mate will know exactly how
and where to touch you.
It will be different, more intense, and
more gratifying than any lover from your past...
And more electrifying than
anything you have ever imagined...
They will look into your eyes and you
will feel your soul open wide.
For some people, there is the "rush".
All the love, all the lust, and all the need
will surge forth from your soul like captives from a cage.
At this moment you will know what it means
to get lost within someone's eyes.
You will experience a realization you have never felt before
and your desire and passion will rise to new levels.
But in the end, as you lay there,
as the warm afterglow begins to fade,
you will realize what just happened was not merely sex.
Sex pales in comparison to what you have just experienced...
To put it simply, your soul mate will be able to
make love to you in ways no one else
will ever be able to match...
*Author Unknown*
September 4, 2004
DaddyDom's & babygirls
There has been an increase if the term *DaddyDom*
on the internet the past couple years . I myself
became very interested in ageplay about 5 years
ago and set out to define my obession with it a
litle more. There wasn't much back then but over
the years DaddyDom and ageplay/roleplay has surfaced
to ALMOST an acceptable form of sexual play. I think
how ever the term Daddy or DaddyDom's is especially
popular in the BDSM communities even though very
few people get the chance to play those roles offline,
in real time. I would be the first to jump at the
chance if presented to me(any takers? call 555-LUVU)
But seriously I love to ageplay and like what a
DaddyDom stands for. Here are 4 opinions from some
people who also share my fasination with DaddyDom's and babygirls/lil ones's
Daddy #1
There are many types of relationships in the BDSM world. DaddyDom/lilone is one of the lesser known ones. Mainly because so many think it has incestuous connotations or pedo in nature. Maybe it does in some cases.......or maybe thats only a very small aspect of it...because that type of a relationship is so much more nuturing. The idea of having an older, hopefully wiser man, who is also sensuous, and full of passion, be your Dom/Master, I am sure is every subs dream in one way or another. Someone who might have that loving affection like a Good Daddy had. A man who is firm and strong.......but nurtures you, rather than tear you down. He might spank rather than whip...(though personally I like to flog her sometimes LOL). He might use words like babygirl..........lilone. I think a DaddyDom never tries to harm the soul of his charge.....or make her feel make himself feel strong. He honors her submission.(as i believe all who are Doms should) He would never try to tear your self worth apart. Sometimes I like the idea of rape......or taking my lil one...but, it is part of both our play. There are no definitive is something both parties have to explore.Being totally honest here.........I am always surprised that the more my lil one and I know about each other...the more we trust each other.....the kinkier we are finding ourselves to be. The more we explore some of what our narrow minded, moral hippocrits might call deviant, kinky behavior.....the freer and less uptight we become. The more we can enjoy loving each other. I hope my babygirl and I never stop exploring. That we can always trust one another enough, love each other enough, to never be afraid to express those needs. And that, if in some case it's not one of our cups of tea..that we will respect that limit. To me, thats what it's all about.
Hello again... now lets see what this little angel has gotten into,hm ops theres those words again,grins looking around for Master, ok coast is clear,(soft giggle)....ok now.. lets see where was i, oh yeah, deep thought here, (grins) we are discusing what a Daddy Dom is.. ok well i can only say i know what that means to me.., BUT, first of all i want ALL to know, it has NOTHING to do with incest,or any fetish for children. ok.. Have You ever heard the term Daddy Dom? and if so do You know what it is? Its ok if not, most don't. I found a web site about Daddy Doms awhile back a very good one infact, so far it has been the only public info on this form of D/s i have ran into... anyway, i shared it and it made its rounds, a dear freind who has been more than a mentor but one of my best and closest friend fell in love with it.. after reading it He knew where He was in His life :) He is a Daddy Dom, well in this link it had mentioned that alot of people freak out when they hear the term, and automaticaly think it is incest or an unnatural lust for children, and the fact is, NO it is not about that at all. OK i can't say ALL will refrain from this but the ones i know surely do... (moving right along here) OK, a Daddy Dom is a Male type Dominant Person Who has a strong Fathering urge,the counter part of the Mother Hen syndrom i would believe, How ever in D/s When the Daddy Dom takes a submissive, He treats her rather like a little girl(see the next page to find out more about the little girl sub) He guides, teaches AND.. offers her what she needs most of all, unconditional love and acceptance. In my view a Daddy Dom is the most tender of Dominants. He loves His little girl with an unwaivering and passionate Love that is timeless. His little girl is His sunshine the bright spot in His life.He wants nothing more than to pull her close and protect her from the cruel world. But knowing He can not, He guides and teaches her helping her to be ready for this world. And then He waits, knowing she will run to Him when she becomes over whelmed and scared by the harshness of it all. The Daddy Dom always has His little girl's best interest in mind, He will help her set and reach goals, He will help her improve herself to be the best she can be,not for Him but for herself..and yes He will even at times punish her. This will no doubt break His heart, but He will always do whats best for her. The Daddy Dom gains as much joy and excitement from His little girl's daily acomplishment as she herself does. His pride in her shows in the tender loving way He cares for her, she has put that twinkle in His eye. The Daddy Dom listens to all her fears and concerns, knowing no matter how silly or childish they may sound to Him, to her they are real and He will help her confront them. He slays her dragons so to speak and He is her Hero for it. The Daddy Dom hears all her dreams and desires and all the dirty little secrets, and smiles because she is bold enough and loves Him enough to open herself up so totally to Him, and He kisses her face and holds her close letting her know she is loved no matter what. she is His little girl, and He loves her unconditionaly. Even if during scening He brings her great pain to release her pleasures(admit it some like it .. so hush now.) He will cuddle her and show her the tenderness she craves when she needs it., when she feels unsure of herself He will whisper encouraging words for her, when she feels ugly He will reasure her how beautiful she is to Him.. when she is scared He will be her saftey ,her medium against the world if need be. Even though she is all woman, she is His little girl and He is her Daddy
Babygirl aka Lil One
Are you really interested in learning what a baby girl is... Ok, and again all i can do is tell it from my point and what i have learned from a few others, it does not mean this is carved in stone but it may help (and this is my entended actions here) to open the eyes and minds of Those in this lifestyle, and some who are not, grins...ok here goes... i am a submissive female, but i am also what is known as a baby girl sub with a slight bratty twist to my personality, no that donesn't mean i am hateful and lacking respect in anyway.. to Those i feel deserving i offer the proper respect to without question, i want to be babied, nooo not shurking my duties in any way shape or form, i am no where near lazy, i am child like in most of my ways and love the tender loving controlling care a Daddy Dom offers. I am still a woman but a rather child like one, i am of legal age to consent or refuse any and all offers i feel unhealthy or unsafe or just not my trip... But i have the strong instinctive desire to be cared for the way One would a child, with an open mind and heart that guides, loves, protects and teaches me. One who will show me the world and keep it's harshness at bay should it become to over whelming for me, my safe place in the world so to speak, On Daddy's lap or in His arms or peeking out from behind Him. ( and yes i do this) He is not my Father i have one, a very good One at that, He is my Master, my guide, my teacher my Mentor, my World. He is nothing like my Father, other than Both are Men of good qualities and strong convictions, strong willed, but not unyeilding.I have noooo desire to kiss my Father in a deep passionate burn my soul, curl my toes type of kiss, but give me just a moment and i'll have a lip lock on my Daddy, that steams up da windows,(grins) my Daddy takes care of me, He helps me reach my goals that i set for myself, He loves me as i am, He doesn't want me any different, He accepts me and loves "me" and when i whisper my nasty lil fantasies and dirty lil secrets He loves me all the more for opening up to Him, He doesn't look at me in disgust .He hugs me close and kisses my face. Yes my Daddy has punished me a few times, and boy did i get mad and plot revenge(thats one thing You will always have to worry about with a baby girl/brat/sub,) even if she knows she is wrong and even if she accepts her punishment she will not soon forget it and even though she understands why she does not appreciate it overly much, even as she makes personal changes to ward any farther conflict that may bring about another round of punishment..she maybe also very carefully planning Your tripping over the flogger handle soon or she may have planned a to salty dinner next, even if she never follows through with these plans You can almost bet she has made several for each time she was punished. and she is the world best pouter, and yes the Daddy Dom will have to learn to harden His heart just a tad if He wishes to continue to do what is in her best interest and not allow her to top from the bottom. she may well have good excuses for something she has done in error, but she most likely has a bag full of these excuses she keeps tucked away because something about her just makes her act up from time to time.The baby girl needs alot of attention to feel loved and secure, lacking this, is one sure fire way to get a negetive reaction from her.But for the most part , she is a most loving eat the world alive type of girl, who needs to and wants to experience it "ALL" but in the safety of her Daddy's control. she wants to stand on her own but needs His strong firm hand, His tender guidance, His softly spoken words of encouragment. and the safest place of all is with her Daddy. she loves Him madly, will follow Him to the ends of the earth once she has placed her hard won trust in Him.she will run from her own shadow at times but will fight the world for her Daddy. she is a wonderous creature, the baby girl, she is loyal and devoted, loving and playful and blooms into a beautiful flower with the right Daddy Dom. she is a scared little girl and a strong i can do it myself woman, and she is His baby girl and He is her Daddy!
On DaddyDom's and babygirls by Kendra
I mentioned the term Daddy Dom in a chat room the other day and was greeted by a resounding Yuk! It got me thinking about the misconceptions surrounding this aspect of D/s. I realize most think that it involves a father/daughter relationship. That isn't quite true, Daddy/little girl is a much different level. I do not know if I can explain what I mean so I will simply talk about what a Daddy Dom is to me.First I should say that in my relationship my Dom is not my father, he is nothing like my father, and I have no need for him to replace my father. He is however my Daddy. We do not engage in age play specifically ( beyond the occasional school girl fantasy *s*) and our relationship is not based on any need to have sex with children. I am always all woman, and always a very independent woman. He does have the ability to make me feel like a little girl, however, a very cherished and sometimes needy little girl. It is a feeling that I revel in, it is the safest place I have ever been, and it allows me the freedom to be all that I am without fear of reprisals.So..what makes a Daddy Dom? First and foremost he loves his little girl. She is his prized possession. His eyes light up when she walks into the room and he takes great pride in her successes. After all, he helped to create her. She holds the most tender part of his heart and has the greatest power to hurt him.Seeing her hurt however is not something a Daddy Dom wants. He sees it as his job to protect her, both from the outside world and herself. He may love to cause her great pain in a scene, but he hates to be the one to hurt her emotionally. It hurts him to have to punish her , but he knows it is sometimes necessary.This takes great strength on his part. It takes strength to control her, and to shape her to his needs and desires. It takes strength to be her confidant, her shoulder, her anchor. It takes strength to let her out into the world when all he wants to do is hold her safe in his arms. And it takes strength to do what is necessary when she needs to be disciplined.A Daddy Dom knows the value of discipline, though at times his soft heart gets the best of him. He knows that in order for his little girl to be the best she can possibly be he must stand firm. He uses his experience in life and his knowledge of her to provide proper direction and punishment when the need arises. He knows this hurts her, and that tears at his heart, but he also knows it is for her own good.A Daddy Dom provides something else that is very important to his submissive..acceptance. She is safe in his arms because he knows her, everything about her, and he still loves her. When she goes to him she knows that this man knows all of her dirty little secrets and it doesn't matter. To him she is beautiful.Many of you may be asking what separates a Daddy Dom from any other Dom. In most cases very little. Hopefully they all provide love, strength, protection, discipline, and acceptance. I have heard Daddy Doms described as a kinder, gentler, Dom. I like that definition though I know it won't apply to all. I guess when it really comes down to it I can't explain it. There is something infinitely magical about a Daddy Dom. Perhaps it is something only a little girl can understand.
The Impact of Life
So graciously have you touched me,
How deep the feelings lie.
Churning inside ,out of control,
I couldn't stop them if I tried.
The sound of your voice I hear inside.
Like the wind it floats on by.
The words so tender they caress my heart.
They breed passion within my eyes.
To hold you close, feel you there.
Next to my pounding heart,
Is like a dream I'm longing for.
To make you happy, the most important part.
I can imagine your sweet kiss.
I see your image in all I do.
The impact of life has been made.
In the angel that I call you.