'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even my spouse; The paddles were hung in the cupboard with care, In hopes that her bottom soon would be bare;
The children were nestled at grandma's in bed, While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads; And mamma in her nightie, and I in my cap, Had just settled down for a long discipline chat,
When out of her mouth there arose such a clatter, I sat on the bed as she sassed "Hey what's the matter?" I pulled her across my knee in a flash, Pulled up her nightie to bare her cute ass.
Her bottom was white as the new-fallen snow But would soon give way to the luster of a healthy red glow, When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, But a large wooden paddle, to redden her rear,
With long hard swings, both lively and quick, She knew in a moment it won't be a picnic. In rapid succession the paddling came, I shouted, and called out her no-nos by name;
"Now, SASSING! Now, LYING! And STAYING UP LATE!" I paddled her hard and continued her fate. She begged and she pleaded and I knew she would bawl! Her bottom, her thighs I covered them all!
As I held her down tight I listened to her cry, When the paddle met her, there were tears in her eyes, So I spanked and I spanked and the paddle it flew, With the lecture of love that came with it too.
The wiggling and kicking of each little foot The paddle would soon make her little ass cook. As I drew back the paddle, again it was sound, Down on her bottom it came with a bound.
She was beautiful and sexy, from her head to her foot, But her soul was all tarnished like ashes and soot; A bundle of guilt she had on her back, I took them away with each paddle whack.
Her eyes -- how they twinkled! With tears that weren't merry! Her cheeks were red as roses, her thighs like a cherry! Her beautiful hair was drawn up in a bow, And her bottom was now not as white as the snow;
I let her get up and put the paddle on the shelf, I kissed her and I love her more then myself; A wink of my eye and a twist of my head, Soon let her know it was now time for bed;
I spoke not a word, but went straight to work, I tucked her in bed; then turned with a jerk, And laying my finger aside of my nose, And thinking inside, "She's as red as a rose";
Now discipline is not as easy as a whistle, And it won't go away like the down of a thistle. Now to all of you who love spankings so dear, "MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL, AND TO ALL A RED REAR
November 28, 2005
Happy Holidays
November 16, 2005
A Sub's Anticipation
His hands traced up my spine, sending tingles through my body. I could feel his fingertips lightly tickling the tiny hairs on my skin, hardly touching me at all and yet almost penetrating my flesh.
It seemed like every time the pads of his fingers reached my skin my thighs parted a little further. I could feel myself involuntarily pushing my backside into the air, thrusting my open pussy towards him as if for his inspection.
He touched me again and again I raised myself, yearning for his touch to tickle me there, where I ached for him.
My arms pulled against the ropes binding them to the corners of my bed. I sought for a glimpse of light underneath the blindfold I wore, but I could see none. I flexed my legs again, testing the ropes holding them. Everything was too tight to escape. He was too experienced at tying me this way, teasing me this way. He was a pro at this, and it was hopeless for me to think that my torture would end soon.
A moan escaped my lips as his fingers left my skin, and I focused on listening to his light footsteps as he paced around me, walking to the other side of the bed. I tried to anticipate what he would do next, but I could not. He always surprised me, every time. It was never the same, but always, as with the last time, it drove me wild.
I mentally followed the footsteps as the crossed the room, and I strained to hear the sound of him opening a drawer. My heart jumped, guessing at what he could be taking out of the dresser. We kept our toys in that drawer, our ropes and blindfolds and gags. Also, we kept toys that he could use to hurt me a little bit, softly, the way I liked. I heard a scraping as he sought what he was looking for. The drawer shut and he walked back towards me.
I tried to show him the anxiety I was feeling. I writhed about on the bed, messing the sheets, rubbing my face against the pillow in hopes of dislodging the blindfold a bit so that I could see what he held in his hand. He clucked softly with his tongue, indicating that I should stop, and I did, falling quietly back on the bed.
My chest heaved with my deep breaths as he stood there, next to me, unmoving. Rubbing my nipples against the bed slightly for some stimulation, I felt the rush of arousal flow towards my pussy again, and I again involuntarily lifted myself, offering my charms to him.
He chuckled, and moved again, walking around me.
I flexed my fingers, stretching them and relaxing them, then held tight to the ropes as I tried to remain calm. It was so easy, helpless like I was, to lose control over myself and become a purely sexual creature. But I tried to retain some dignity, to stay still while he decided what he was going to do.
A groan escaped my lips, a wild groan that seemed animalistic, lustful. My face turned bright red at the noise. I hadn't expected it; it had come completely as a surprise, even to me. I could practically see him smiling at me, knowing the power he held over my body at this moment.
Something touched my skin, and I practically jumped off the bed, my back arching in surprise. He dragged the leather down my back in a smooth motion, tracing my spine with it as he had done with his fingers earlier. The flogger's trail ended at my tailbone, where it began a trip back up my body to my neck.
I pushed my head further down into the bed, allowing more access to my neck. He tickled my neck with the short leather strands, causing me to smile, and then drew the instrument away.
I heard a hissing noise but didn't have time to prepare my body for the force of the strike. The leather hit my skin with a crack, and my whole body jumped, seeming to leave the bed entirely. My body quivered with aftershock as I listened to him walking around me again. My mind raced as I tried to prepare the part of my body that he would strike next, different parts of my body tingling with anticipation.
Another hiss and the leather struck again, my thighs this time. I could feel the heat rising from my pussy turn up a notch, growing hotter, as I raised my bottom towards him again.
I needed him so badly. I whimpered, straining my body upwards towards him, yearning for any touch of his hand.
I heard the leather flogger hit the ground with a thud as he discarded it, and I breathed a sigh of relief. The soft thud of his footsteps surrounded me again, and I turned my face over to rest the other cheek on my pillow, facing him, but unable to see him.
I sighed as a soft finger reached out and touched the newly formed welt on my bottom. He stroked the bump, running his finger gently all along its length. He then moved to my thigh, tracing the welt there, as I pushed myself up towards him again.
His fingers left my skin. My body felt cold from the lack of his presence. I fell down against the mattress, deflated, my skin yearning for another touch.
My pussy was sopping, fluids dripping down my thighs and gathering at the blanket underneath me. With each movement I made, I could feel the pools of juices rubbing against my skin. The very touch of the wetness made me even hotter, and I could feel the skin peeling away from my body, my pussy opening and presenting itself to him. My own scent filled my nostrils.
A cold object nudged against my lower lips, sliding across the slick surface and slowly poking a rounded tip inside me. I raised my hips, eager for any penetration, moaning frantically as he pushed the phallus inside me, and then withdrew it.
I relaxed again, falling down, dropping my hips. He chuckled softly and touched the object to me again, this time sliding it in just about an inch and then withdrawing it. He slid the wet tip up my slit, slick noises filling my ears. The round tip rubbed against my swollen clit, and I cried out softly as he tickled me there, teasing my nub.
The object withdrew again. I lay, panting, in the pool of my own juices, my hands clenching and unclenching, desperate for more. I wanted him, it, anything, deep inside my body.
His finger touched the small of my back, right above my buttocks, and I whimpered as he slowly traced my spine again. I so badly wanted an orgasm.
"Please," I whispered, pleading in my voice. "Please, now."
His finger left my back and I heard him walk behind me. I lifted my hips again, knowing full well the compromising view I gave him from that position. I thrust my pussy towards him, begging him silently to touch me, feel me, fill me.
There was a rustling sound. He was removing his clothing. I nearly cried out in pleasure as I guessed what would happen next. The bed moved as his weight joined me, his arms on either side of my body, pinning me down even further. He climbed on top of me and I could feel the thick head of his cock positioned directly in front of my wet slit.I thrust back, trying to force it inside me. He pulled away, teasing me, and lightly patted my pussy with his thick staff. The hot piece of his flesh rubbed against my clit and I gyrated my hips frantically in the motion of sex, eager for his penetration.
Finally he pulled it away from me and thrust inside, pushing the entire length of himself into my body. I cried out as he filled me, the thick staff moving easily inside my sopping cunt, and began to pant as his pumping became rhythmic.
I pushed back with my hips, moving with his own, our bodies sweaty from our efforts. My clit felt as though it was ready to burst, and I felt all the nerves in my body tingle as the first wave of my orgasm hit.
Electric shocks seemed to jolt through my limbs, prickling sensations washing over my fingers and toes, and my body began to shake under his as I came.
His thrusts continued, his speed only gaining. My pussy felt more sensitive than before, noticing every tiny place he rubbed with his cock as he pushed it further in, digging inside me.
I could hear his breathing in my ear, the raspy sound growing quicker as his body tensed, and finally his thrusting stopped deep within me. I felt his arms stiffen next to me before I felt his cock pulsing inside my sensitive pussy, and then I felt the hot cum pumping out of him and into my own body.
My muscles clenched around him, milking him for all of his fluids. He groaned in my ear, his quivering ceased, and he collapsed on top of my back.
I lay panting, still squeezing around him as he began to pull away.
I whimpered, thrusting myself backwards towards him again, trying to keep his cock in my body.
"I need a cold shower," he whispered, softly. "Then we can start again."
"Okay," I said, relaxing against the bed.
My body remained, quivering, in place, as I heard him leave the room. I closed my eyes under the blindfold and anticipated what he would do next.
October 14, 2005
Just Wanted You To Know
Just wanted you to know...
you make me smile,
make me laugh...

Just wanted you to know
I love being near you...
I love looking into your eyes,
hearing you laugh...

Just wanted you to know
I am so glad you came into my life...
so glad we met...

I just wanted to tell you...
just in case you did not know...
September 21, 2005
slub emblem
This is the the *slub* emblem. The definition and emblem was conceived and
developed in 2003 when I, slub, Kyle Ann tried to define herself in the BDSM
community. Having the desires of a submissive and the heart of a slave I joked around
with a Dom saying that i was a slub and the more i thought about the definition we
kidded about the more it made sense and i felt i needed to carry the title and developed
it to take my place among the others in the lifestyle.
Nothing on this page is public domain, it is copyright and owned solely by it's creator
Kyle Ann/Creative Erotica Inc. If you would like to use the emblem or any graphics
please send me an email and ask for proper permission first, i will be happy to assist
your needs.
Kyle Ann *slub*
August 10, 2005
All That I Am...
Hold me, your lil girl in your arms,
Love me, trust me like no other,
But don't hurt me, don't make me subject to cruelty,
Control me, take my will,
April 28, 2005
The meaning of all this?
The Path The Quest
The traveler looks to the light to find the path. The path when
looked for will not be found. Yet the paradox of the path is when not
looked for it is under the feet of the traveler.
A rode less journeyed? Or did the footprints of those before fade?
If we do not knock will the door open? Or is the door open and we
refuse to pass its archway?
What is it we seek? A light? Is it the day? Or is this the bright
night and its light the moon?
The path a strange road full of twists, turns and fools. The path
leads and follows, never ending through the re-birth.
Birth, life, death birth is this a circle never ending? Or is the end
only the beginning?
The beginning is not the end but the lesson. This lesson will be
repeated until learned. The one thing we are to learn. The learning
is the lesson and the soul will aspire to growth.
The soul longs to walk the path. The path longs for the soul. In
seeking the soul we seek the spirit. In seeking the spirit we will no
longer war. In seeking the spirit we discover the quest of the path,
a path, Dharma. This is the road to the light. This light is the path
only when we seek the spirit will we find the path.
The path is one the path is many. Many lead to the path seek the
spirit we find the spirit. Finding the path we seek the spirit. In
this is the road a dark road, a light a lamp will light the way.
The meaning of all this?
The meaning is but one thing.
The meaning of the one thing?
That is only something you will know.
March 11, 2005
March 3, 2005
Words to live by....
- Live with intention.
- Walk to the edge.
- Listen hard.
- Practice wellness.
- Play with abandon.
- L a u g h.
- Choose with no regret.
- Continue to Learn.
- Appreciate your friends.
- Do what you love.
- Live as if this is all there is.
- Plant impossible gardens.
- Look forward to dreams.
- Swing as high as you can on a swingset, by moonlight.
- Cry during movies
- Cultivate moods.
- Do it for love.
- Take lots of naps.
- Take moonbaths.
- Giggle with children.
- Listen to old people.
- Drive away fear.
- Play with everything.
- Entertain your inner child.
- Build a fort with blankets.
- Get wet.
- Get dirty.
- Hug trees.
- Live as if this is all there is.
One of the most beautiful sites that I think everyone
should experience at least once in their lifetime is
the sun setting over the Pacific.
(when i was little i was told "If your quiet and you listen very carefully
you can actually hear the sizzle as the sun touches the cool ocean on the horizon.")
February 27, 2005
Since You Asked...
All that i write in response
about what i have done, experienced
is less significant than
what cannot be written...
That impossible-to-describe
doctrine of thought
or the intense link
between Dominant and submissive
which is either there
or is not
and to then explain why
it failed
and harder still
to ask one to explain it
to You?
..... It's an unavoidable Mystery.
i have experienced the physical
submission of my body
it is pleasurable but ultimately,
an empty thing without that mental
Not knowing me
one cannot see the
submission in my spirit,
the ache inside my brain
still left unfulfilled
to belong
serve proudly
be of use
and be owned
You cannot know
all that i
avoid saying
is not because
i'm hiding something
but how very difficult
a time i have
what i want
what i need
who i once gave myself to
and why it is no more
or maybe i fear finally finding
the Dominant that
will know me
as well as i know myself,
and who'll collect
each drop of info
for future use
for His desires
and mine
....this is the hardest part of the journey.
wanting to zap the knowledge of
who i am and have been
into Your head
so You will just
know that
for me it's more than
being tied up
tied down
taken and marked by your whip
it's about loyalty
the meshing of our desires and goals
and the most important words
are the ones
followed up with
please i beg You
don't read my words
see the effort i am making
to help You know me
with words...
February 15, 2005
Come check out my Erotic Desktop Wallpapers Gallery.
Desktop wallpapers made by me for you to enjoy on your desktop.
January 18, 2005
~*[[[ SPECIAL NOTICE ]]]*~
Starting on Tuesday January 18, 2005 I will be involved in beta testing a new online introduction service for lifestylers. You can help! Sign up to evaluate and provide your feedback and suggestions during this beta test. IT IS FREE and they really need your feedback and suggestions for Wicked Introductions . You can create what works for you and those like you in the lifestyle, something safe, secure, beneficial, & fun!