December 30, 2004

A good woman is proud

She respects herself and others. She is aware of who she is. She niether seeks definition from the person she is with. nor does she expect them to read her mind.

She is quite capable of articulating her needs. A good woman is hopeful. She is strong enough to make all her dreams come true.

She knows love, therefore she gives love. She recognizes that her love has great value and must be reciprocated. If her love is taken for granted, it soon disappears.

A good woman has a dash of inspiration and a dabble of endurence. She knows that she will at times have to inspire others to reach the potential God gave them.

A good woman knows her past, understands her present, and forces toward the future. A good woman does not live in fear of the future because of her past. She understands instead that her life experiences are merely lessons meant to bring her closer to self-knowledge and unconditional self-love.

"Author Unknown"

December 25, 2004

Happy Holidays

Greetings to all,
I wanted to take a moment and thank all who stop by
my blog. My daily visitor count has been increasing more
all the time and that inspires me to write and share more.

I hope you find delight in the holiday season,
good health in the year to come and peace
in your heart always.


I would love to hear from my visitors,
feel free to email me and say "Hello"

December 21, 2004

Zen & BDSM

BDSM has many elements that are naturally Zen--and in fact, Zen Buddhism even has a few elements of BDSM. Many stories recount a Zen seeker finding their enlightenment when their master suddenly beats them. In many Zen halls today, those sitting in meditation get whacked occasionally with a stick to keep them on track. Both Zen and BDSM demand a complete focus on the present moment, and both can lead to states of profound clarity. Understanding the parallels can enhance the BDSM experience.

Cutting Through To Reality

In some ways, we can compare bottoming to sitting in Zen meditation. Successful meditation and bottoming lead to a similar experience of unfiltered reality. Contrary to popular belief, people sitting in Zen meditation are not striving with all their might towards enlightenment. The goal of meditation is simply to be, allowing oneself to fully feel the reality of the present moment. After sitting long enough in meditation, the flitting thoughts that distract one from reality and the present fade away, and you may start to experience reality itself.

Bottoming can take one along a similar path. You make a conscious decision to submit to the top. You begin with distracted thoughts, including fear, uncertainty, and excitement. As the scene begins, most of us have fleeting thoughts that are not relevant--what do we look like? Did we remember to feed the cat? What are we doing later? As sensation starts, however, we ease into the scene completely. The insistence of the whip stroke or clamp pressure drains away irrelevant thoughts and leaves us with the clear and simple pain. We are here now with our body, its sensations, and the reactions of our mind. Past and future fade away as we deal with the moment at hand.

Successful meditation or bottoming can also lead to feelings of connection and oneness with the world. Zen encourages one to free oneself of the concept of the mind and/or self as a separate entity. You can move towards this realization of no-mind by stilling all distractions and thoughts that move you outside of yourself, so that all that is left is you. If you had a separate mind or ego-self, once you stilled all non-relevant thoughts, this mind/self would appear. But the fact that it does not, can break through your preconceptions and help you realize that you are not a separate mind or self; that in fact you are part of the continuum of reality.

In bottoming, this can occur when you surrender completely to the pain and sensation. Most of us experience some form of internal resistance when we begin a bottoming scene. We might be anxious, and it may take a while to settle into the rhythm of the strokes or the sensation of the pain. But if we consciously make ourselves surrender, we move into a state where we become one with the pain. We give up the preferences and attachments that define our selves and egos--for instance, our attachment to non-pain, or our personal preferences as opposed to what the top demands. We begin to feel the connection with the top, the breaking down of ego boundaries between the giver and receiver of pain.

When this surrender is complete, the ego-mind-self begins to disintegrate and our consciousness expands into the reality around us. Boundaries disappear and we can clearly see that we are a part of the universe--the fabled "oneness in being." In Zen, such a breakthrough is called a "kensho." Deep bottoming can lead one to a kensho state.

The Zen Warrior

The top, on the other hand, can be more accurately compared to the samurai or warrior who acts according to Zen values. Good tops share many similarities with the legendary samurai. A top should be honorable, dependable, and skilled in the arts which he or she practices. But more than that, a successful top works completely in the present moment, striving to create the best scene possible.

In a scene, the top must banish all distractions. A top focuses on the task at hand, letting the energy flow through him or her in a natural way, not looking outside the present but instead completely understanding the moment that is occurring. This includes great respect and understanding for the bottom. The successful top sees and reacts to the Buddha nature of the bottom and can sense the connection that links top, bottom, and universe. While the forms are very different, a successful scene uses an energy flow that can be likened to that of a battle between two honorable warriors. Rage, hate, and attachment are banished and put aside and replaced with respect.

A good top is mindful in his or her topping. Like the samurai, a good top constantly strives to better him or herself, practicing the arts and caring for the tools of the craft. You can sense it in the way a top handles his favorite flogger or lovingly caresses a well-worn pair of leather cuffs. The best tops are always learning, always pushing themselves to new things. And good tops are not simply experts with toys and techniques--they have mastered the energy flow that allows them to take complete control and direct a scene in a precise manner.

Enlightened Playfulness

Being a good top naturally fits into the same principles of being a Zen warrior, just as true bottoming can lead one to the same insights and experience of reality that Zen practice imparts. And lastly but not least, Zen encourages the same open-mindedness and playfulness that good BDSM takes into account. Zen masters of the ages have been known for their light-heartedness and playful nature. Zen itself came into being partly to counteract the heavy-handed seriousness and over-ritualization that was occurring in many popular sects of Buddhism. This can be a lesson for us today in our BDSM play as well-- meaningful scenes can still be playful and fun.

December 16, 2004

Paradoxal Pleasure

Tears coursing, emotions quailing,
desires crucified without the nailing.

Piercing pain enterwines with ecstacy
the feelings of pleasure beyond fantasy.

Pain and pleasure different sides of the coin
submissive desires, a Master's enjoin.

Who is that maiden who flirts with the dark
esoteric pathways she's off to embark.

Looking for guidance, love, hope and much more
always a lady and sometimes a whore.

Paradoxal pleasure's in delight she's torn
Seeking advice from the Rose and the Thorn.

December 13, 2004

The Color of Wet and Squirmy

The color of wet and squirmy is breathy peach
tinged with blush pink listening with clear glass eyes
mirroring the outside world of your desires and orders.

The color of wet and squirmy is tiny white hairs
raising on goosebumped skin
alert to the slightest input.

The color of wet and squirmy is viscous and slippery,
albumin creamy and pale
with prickly green thorns in my nerves on every side.

The color of wet and squirmy is engorged pink red
like watermelon raw liver sliding over itself
searching for caress.

The color of wet and squirmy is clear water
rinsing the world anew as I lie
calm after the storm.

by DaddysLilTease 12.12.2004

December 11, 2004

This Fascination

Condemns me to a period of longing
during which rest is impossible
until a certain satisfaction is gained
like touching your face for instance
or lingeringly holding your hand
or maybe laying a fingertip on your lips
even a quick kiss would probably suffice
until a new day brings on a new hunger
like wanting to see you smile
or hearing you say my name

Most of the time i get by with none
of these things i have learned to scavenge for scraps
like thoughts of you walking on paths i have traveled
or perhaps visiting a place i have been
and i wish enough traces of me would have lingered
to settle upon you, tiny motes of dust
each holding a seed of my affection
maybe a stray thought could insinuate itself
and make you look up and around

At times i smile at these images
and then scold myself for not being there.
no matter, we are fated to meet again
the gods will not have contrived to show you to me
if they could not afterwards taunt me with brief,
barely-there encounters that hint at
almost anything and also nothing
perhaps we will even be friends
and then this fascination will be cursed to scratch
against newfound constraints.

~~ I miss you so much! (sigh) ~~

December 5, 2004

Bondage Is Ecstasy

I believe that rope bondage is a high art form, both equally artistic as well as functional. It can be used in several different forms ... such as meditation, humiliation, incarceration, and as well as art.
Below you will find some of what I concider to be the most respected and informative rope bondage sites around. Well learned safety practices should always be priorty. Please, Doms and subs make it your priority too

At Rope Art you will learn the basics of safety, the different materials one can use to do rope art. You will learn how to tie the knots you will need, as well as some mental, spiritual and sensual aspects of Rope Art. Nawashi Tatu has a very special way with Rope Art. He combines the sensual, spiritual, and physical in doing his Art. Rope Art covers a wide variety of topics. Beginners and the more experienced will all find this site informative and well thought out. Some of the topics that I recommend are:

Rope Safety
Why Rope?
Rope Art in Japanese SM
Setting the Scene
East Vs West

Conversion Tables
Breast Safety
Heathy Breast Bondage
Basic Knots
Square Knot
Portuguese Bowline
Tips & Techniques
Bikini Harness
Yoke Harness
Reverse Spreader

  and Medical Safety Tips when
working with Rope Bondage
by MorTis
At The Dominant's View I found there are a lot of rules for doing bondage, but MorTis has put together the 6 main Rules of Bondage that should never be broken!

Rope Fashions is the place where Lady Cocoa and her submissive lynn post tutorials from the rope demonstrations they do from time to time, as well as links to rope bondage resources that you might find interesting and useful. Thier tutorials are available for downloading in PDF format, making it convenient to access them anytime you need to from your hard drive.
Rope Fashions is also host to The Black BEAT, a independent, non-profit, social organization founded by Black members of the BDSM, D/s and Leather community nationwide. Black BEAT strives to cultivate safe, sane, consenting adult African Americans (21 years and older) with alternative lifestyle and sexuality interests via culture, education, development, support, and event planning. Although the focus of the group is geared towards African-Americans, all races are welcome. This is reflected in the Black BEAT mission statement.

Rope For Pleasure is currently being developed to provide information and discussion on the rope bondage arts of David El. David El began presenting workshops in the San Francisco Bay area in 1996. Topics have included single tails, and Japanese style bondage and suspension. David's approach includes observing rope masters, and using the Zen method of "knowing your rope." El actively pursues the development of service training protocols. His process combines the erotic, mental, physical, and spiritual energies of sadomasochistic alchemy. He also provides the host home for a local chapter of Masters And slaves Together (MAsT).David believes that the dance of Rope Bondage is an art form. The ropes are an extension of the Rope Master’s sensual touch; exerting both pain and pleasure. Rope bondage is a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dance. It is a ritual of the connection between my partner and myself. The rope entwines as a sweet caresses of anguish; as a hand firmly tightening around the body.I Agree with David, it is an art form and when one takes the time to study and master His skills His reward is exquestit....a precious and intense experience that few ever have the pleasure of experiencing.Be sure to take a look at these pages when you visit Rope For Pleasure:

One last thing before i tie this post up in a neat package, I'd like to share with you a very cool page I found at the CRAM (chicago rope and mummification club)site.It was also written by MoTis.
It is a Rope Clove Clamp, MoTis shows you in 5 easy steps how you can make twisted rope act like a Japanese Clover Clamp.

Bravo MoTis!!!!!!
This impressed masochist would certainly worship a Rope Master like MoTis if i had one.